Financing of regulated networks - discussion paper


Consultation opened on . Closing date at 17:00.


The Utility Regulator is publishing First Economics’ discussion paper regarding the financing of regulated networks. The paper aims to analyse the financing options available to network companies, including traditional cost of capital, mutualisation and other forms of debt financing. Stakeholders are invited to comment on any proposals presented.

The Utility Regulator is publishing First Economics’ discussion paper regarding the financing of regulated networks.  The paper aims to analyse the financing options available to network companies, including traditional cost of capital, mutualisation and other forms of debt financing.  Stakeholders are invited to comment on any proposals presented.

Specific questions are not posed in the discussion paper. Instead stakeholders are invited to comment on First Economics’ thinking in general, and their proposition on a potential way forward.  Readers should note that the views and opinions set out in the discussion paper remain those of First Economics. 

If you wish to express a view on the contents of the attached paper or any related matter, we would welcome your response.