Proposed modification of West Transmission Limited's gas conveyance licence


Consultation opened on . Closing date at 12:00.


This consultation provides details on proposed modifications to the gas conveyance licence held by West Transmission Limited to amend the 'cut-off date' from the 4 January 2022 to the 1 December 2023, or an earlier date set in a direction issued by the Utility Regulator. This will provide further time to complete construction work and finalise costs before we determine actual capital expenditure under the licence.

The Utility Regulator publishes today its consultation on modifications to the gas conveyance licence held by West Transmission Limited to amend the cut-off date for the determination of actual capital expenditure.

The proposed modifications will amend the cut-off date from the 4 January 2022 to the 1 December 2023, or an earlier date set in a direction issued us. 

The consultation document and annex can be accessed below.

Any representations or objections with respect to the proposed modifications may be made on or before 12.00 noon on 14 September 2021 to: with cc to