Utility Regulator consults on NIEH corporate governance review


Consultation opened on . Closing date at 16:00.


The Utility Regulator is committed to providing regulatory oversight of the Northern Ireland Energy Holdings (“NIEH”) group of companies to ensure that all aspects of the structure are performing satisfactorily.

The Utility Regulator is committed to providing regulatory oversight of the Northern Ireland Energy Holdings (“NIEH”) group of companies to ensure that all aspects of the structure are performing satisfactorily.  A Corporate Governance Review Consultation Paper has now been published to initiate a review of the NIEH corporate governance and regulatory arrangements to ensure that they continue to meet best practice.  The purpose of the review is to ensure NIEH has an appropriate corporate governance structure in place for a company of its size and nature and that the appropriate regulatory arrangements are in place for Moyle Limited, Premier Transmission Limited and Belfast Gas Transmission Limited. 

The Utility Regulator seeks views on all aspects of this paper but in particular comments are sought on the recommendations made to NIEH and conclusions set out in each section.  Responses should be sent to Ian Davidson by Friday 17th April 2009 at ian.davidson@niaur.gov.uk or to the address below.

Ian Davidson
Queens House
14 Queen Street