Utility Regulator Consults on Proposed Acquisition of SONI Ltd by Eirgrid Plc.


Consultation opened on . Closing date at 14:15.


The SEM Committee seeks views on the regulatory changes required to both the System Operator and Market Operator licences of SONI Ltd and to the equivalent System Operator licence of EirGrid plc.

The SEM Committee seeks views on the regulatory changes required to both the System Operator and Market Operator licences of SONI Ltd and to the equivalent System Operator licence of EirGrid plc.

The paper, which can be viewed or downloaded by clicking Proposed Acquisition of SONI Ltd by Eirgrid Plc., also constitutes notice by the SEM Committee pursuant to the relevant legislation in Northern Ireland and Ireland, for the purpose of consulting on the proposed licence modifications which are set out in Appendix 1 to the paper.

Appendix 2 then sets out the relevant statutory notices.

Comments on the paper are welcome and should be submitted to Martina Maguire (martina.maguire@niaur.gov.uk) before close of business on Friday 30th January 2009.

Alternatively a paper copy can be obtained from

Martina Maguire
Legal Branch
The Utility Regulator
Queens House
14 Queen Street

E-mail: martina.maguire@niaur.gov.uk.

Copies of the document will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.