CAG: Harmonisation of Capacity Commodity Ratios,Non-Annual Capacity Products and Hub Concept

Consultation Paper on the Harmonisation of Network Tariff Capacity Commodity Ratios, Interruptible and Short Term Products and the introduction of an Entry Exit Hub Concept

As part of the Common Arrangements for Gas (CAG) Project, the CER and the Utility Regulator (the Regulatory Authorities or RAs) are today (20th July 2011) publishing a Consultation Paper on the harmonisation of network tariff capacity commodity ratios and non-annual capacity products. The Consultation Paper also introduces the concept of a transportation ‘Hub’ approach to an entry exit system in CAG.

Comments on the paper are welcome and should be submitted to (CER) and before close of business on 17th August 2011.

Harmonisation of Network Tariff Capacity Commodity Ratios , Interruptible and Short Term Products and the introduction of an Entry Exit Hub Concept