CAG Tariff Work Stream - Notice of Extension of Consultation Periods

The CER and the Utility Regulator have today (6th July 2011) decided to extend the consultation periods for the following consultation papers recently published as part of the Tariffs Work Stream of the Common Arrangements for Gas (CAG) project.

-  Consultation on the Harmonisation of All - Island Entry Tariff Structures at Moffat - Close date extended from 18th July to 5th August 2011. To view this paper click HERE.

-  Consultation on the Treatment of Transmission Network Tariffs for Gas Storage Facilities - Close date extended from 1st August to 5th August 2011. To view this paper click HERE.

A second CAG industry workshop on both of these consultation papers will be held on Thursday 28th July 2011 in Dublin - details to be published in advance. To view the CAG workshop calendar for 2011 click HERE.