Consultation launched on review of the Consumer Protection Strategy

The Utility Regulator today is publishing a consultation on our review of the Consumer Protection Strategy (CPS) and the proposed new Consumer Protection Programme (CPP) which is due to commence in April 2019.

When the CPS was launched in 2016, we made a commitment to formally review the project after two years. We have reviewed and revisited the CPS, making the decision that there will no longer be a standalone CPS.  Rather, within our new Corporate Strategy (2019-2024) there will be an identifiable CPP which is due to begin in April 2019. The CPP will be central to our new Corporate Strategy. 

The proposed CPP will be a prioritised three year programme; building on the strong foundation of work that has gone before, both within the CPS and throughout the Utility Regulator. 

We intend to hold a workshop during the consultation period and will publish our final decisions in early 2019. 

We welcome responses by 3pm on Friday 7 December 2018.

It is our preference that responses are sent by email where possible.  Responses should be sent to:

Or by post: 
Meadhbh Patterson
Utility Regulator
Queens House
14 Queen Street
Belfast BT1 6ED

Following a review of the responses to this consultation, we will engage with stakeholders in producing a final decisions paper.