Today the Utility Regulator is issuing a consultation paper to seek views on a proposed solution for how electricity suppliers and NIE Networks treat premises that are deemed vacant for a short period of time.
In line with the Market Registration Code (MRC) Change Control Procedure, we have been asked by the Central Design Authority (CDA) to approve (or otherwise) Market Change Request 1178 (MCR1178).
MCR1178 is a market change request that offers a solution for categorising and monitoring premises in Northern Ireland which are deemed vacant. When a customer moves out of a premises or a premises is deemed vacant via a different method, a six-month monitoring period will begin that can result in de-energisation of the premises if no consumption is recorded during this time.
We are consulting on the MCR as the changes could affect multiple stakeholders regarding the categorisation of vacant premises and subsequent de-energisation if that is deemed necessary.
MCR1178 could potentially impact a variety of stakeholders involved in the supply and consumption of electricity in Northern Ireland.
It is important that we consider views from all stakeholders in relation to this Change Request, prior to a decision being made.
For further information on the consultation details of how to respond, please visit our consultation section.