Today we publish our decision paper and the approval of SONI’s Transmission Development Plan for Northern Ireland (TDPNI) 2023-2032.
The TDPNI is the plan for the development of the electricity transmission network and interconnection over the 10 years from 2023. This plan presents projects that are expected to be needed for the operation of the network in the short and medium-term.
Our decision follows our consultation on SONI’s draft plan, which resulted in 10 responses. These were provided by:
- Energia
- Mutual Energy
- LirIC
- Renewable NI
- Source Galileo
These are considered in the decision paper, which includes responses from SONI. The responses are published in full here.
The paper should also be read alongside SONI’s final version of the TDPNI 2023-32 and SONI’s report on stakeholder views.
It is the decision of Utility Regulator that the 2023-2032 TDPNI be approved and published, based upon the version that was consulted upon.
Copies of all documents will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required