Gas Network Extensions in NI: Approach to comparing high pressure licence applications

The Utility Regulator today publishes a consultation paper seeking views on our approach to comparing applications for the high pressure gas conveyance licence in the Gas to the West area. 

In our conclusions paper setting out our decisions on the Gas to the West licence application process we concluded that, those applicants seeking the high pressure gas conveyance licence had the option of making their application on either a ‘revenue cap’ or ‘cost pass through’ treatment of operating expenditure. We recognised that in order to effectively compare applications made on either basis an adjustment would be required to reflect the different level of risk borne by investors under each option. This consultation paper discusses a proposed methodology for calculating the necessary adjustment and a range of values within which the final adjustment figure is likely to fall

Any responses to the consultation should be received no later than 5pm Thursday 20 March 2014, preferably in electronic format to or alternatively sent to the address below:

Graham Craig
Utility Regulator
Queens House
14 Queen Street

Copies of the document will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of minority languages if required.