Gas papers: gas regulation infringement

In March 2012 the Utility Regulator published two consultation papers on the work necessary to meet the infringement under Regulation (EC) 715/2009 which replaced Regulation (EC) 1775/2005.

The first paper set out the work underway between the Utility Regulator and TSOs (transmission system operators) to satisfy the infringement, the associated timetable and consulted on the relevant point to be designated on the South-North pipeline. The second paper consulted on the business rules for the short term capacity product.

We signalled to industry our intention to publish decisions on these issues before Easter in order to meet the overall deadline we are working to for compliance with the infringement of 1 July 2012.

We are today publishing a decision paper on the relevant point to be designated under Regulation (EC) 715/2009. This includes an updated timetable for industry consultation. We are also publishing a conclusions paper on the business rules for the short term capacity product.

The responses to both consultations are published below

IME2 responses
Joint Gaslink, BGE (UK) and BGN
Endesa Ireland
Mutual Energy Limited
PPB (response to both consultations)
Phoenix Natural Gas (response to both consultations)

Capacity products response

Copies of the documents can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.