The Utility Regulator’s second consultation on Energy Theft Codes of Practice closed in April 2017.
Within the consultation we proposed some timings for the next stages in the development of the energy theft codes of practice, potential licence conditions and supporting industry procedures. The proposed timings included a final decision on the energy theft codes of practice and final versions of the respective gas and electricity codes to be published by the Utility Regulator in summer 2017.
However, due to other regulatory commitments it is no longer possible for the Utility Regulator to publish a decision on the energy theft codes of practice and to provide final versions of the gas and electricity codes by the summer. It is expected that we will publish a final decision and provide final versions of the gas and electricity codes by the end of this year.
We note that some network operators and suppliers have commenced discussions on the development of industry procedures on the basis of the draft energy theft codes of practice that have already been published. We welcome this pro-active approach where it has been possible. In order to support this work we have published the responses that we received to the second consultation alongside this industry update.
We will update industry and consumer bodies when we re-commence our work on the energy theft codes of practice and provide a revised timeline for the completion of this work.