Moyle Interconnector access rules approval published

Today the Utility Regulator is publishing approval for the Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement for the Moyle Interconnector.  The effective date for this approval is 29 August 2014.  The approval letter, Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement are available at the links below:

* Letter UR to Moyle - Approve Access Rules

* Moyle Interconnector - Access Rules v4 0

* Moyle Charging Methodology Statement

Copies of the documents will also be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.
For further information on the Moyle Access Rules, please contact Karen Shiels (

Additionally the Commission for Energy Regulation in Ireland (CER) published their approval letter and approved Access Rules for the East West Interconnector.  These documents are available on CER’s website -

For further information on the East West Interconnector Access Rules please contact Elaine Gallagher (