Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme 2025/2027 documents published

Today, the Utility Regulator publishes the Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme (NISEP) Framework Document for 2025/2027 alongside the ‘Call for Schemes’. 

The Framework Document provides the rules and procedures for organisations wishing to participate in NISEP 2025/2027. 

All companies eligible to register with the Programme Administrator (Energy Saving Trust) to bid for NISEP funding for 2025/2027 must:

  1. Complete the attached ‘Call for Schemes Registration Form’ and return it to Energy Saving Trust by 14 October 2024; and

  2. Sign and return the Accedence Agreement to Energy Saving Trust by  8 November 2024.

Energy Saving Trust may request further documentation in addition, to be submitted in advance of the scheme submission deadline.

Failure to submit any of these documents on time may result in scheme submissions being rejected. 

Following receipt of the completed Call for Schemes Registration Form, Energy Saving Trust will send out a scheme submission pack, including electronic copies of the most up-to-date versions of the scheme submission spreadsheet which must be used for scheme submission. 

Instructions will also be given on the additional information required.  

Please note, this pack will be issued no earlier than 21 October 2024.

The deadline for the submission of schemes is 06 December 2024. 

Energy Saving Trust will provide advice and guidance to Primary Bidders up until this date, but schemes must be in their final and complete format by the deadline. 

Any bids received after 6 December 2024 will not be considered for funding and any submissions that are incomplete or of insufficient quality may also be rejected.  

Please note that it is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that the information provided within their scheme submissions is accurate and fully compliant with the Framework Document. 

Energy Saving Trust will evaluate the proposals for schemes, as part of a competitive process, and make recommendations to the Utility Regulator for approval.  The Utility Regulator will formally notify applicants in March 2025 as to whether or not their submissions have been successful, but please note that delays to the approvals process may occur if the Programme Administrator is required to seek clarification and/or further information on points within any of the scheme submissions. 

The ‘Call for Schemes’ Registration Form and subsequent bids for funding should be emailed to:

Copies of all documents will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.