Outcome of consultation paper on price control modification for firmus energy licence

Following the publication of our consultation paper on the 17 June 2015, the Utility Regulator today publishes the Outcome of Consultation paper on moving firmus energy (Distribution) Limited (firmus) licence from a price cap to a revenue cap. 

This document is likely to be of interest to the licensee affected, other regulated companies in the energy industry, government and other statutory bodies and consumer groups with an interest in the energy industry.

Three responses were received to the consultation. A confidential response was one of the responses received and has been included in our consideration of this decision however we have only published two responses alongside this outcome paper.
• firmus energy

Following due consideration of the responses the Utility Regulator has decided that it approves the principle of changing firmus from a price cap to a revenue cap form of control.  This will be the basis on which we progress GD17, the price control for gas distribution companies that will apply in 2017.

The section within the firmus licence that will require most of the changes will be Part 4: The Price Control Conditions and we will use the PNGL licence as a starting point.  Marked-up extracts detailing the proposed changes to the firmus energy (Distribution) licence will be consulted on in September 2016 as part of the GD17 final determination.

Copies of all documents can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.