SONI is the electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO) for Northern Ireland. Its performance can significantly affect consumer bills, security of supply and decarbonisation. Its influence on these outcomes is becoming even more important as our energy system rapidly changes, becomes more complex and integrates, as we decarbonise.
As part of our Evaluative Performance Framework (EPF) process, we are publishing stakeholder responses to the EPF Independent Expert Panel on SONI’s Forward Work Plan (FWP). We also invite stakeholders to a meeting to provide a forum for discussion on SONI’s FWP.
Invitation to stakeholder meeting
We will host a stakeholder meeting with the EPF Panel[1] in attendance on 25 May 2022, from 9.30am to 12.30pm. This will take place online (see below for registration details).
This event will provide SONI with an opportunity to share its own evidence and views on its Forward Plan. It will also provide stakeholders with the opportunity to raise questions and provide direct feedback to SONI.
If you would like to register to attend please let us know by emailing: ciaran.maccann@uregni.gov.uk by 18 May, 5pm. Once you have registered we will contact you regarding the format and any other logistics as soon as possible before the meeting.
[1] /news-centre/soni-evaluative-performance-framework-independent-expert-panel-appointed