UR comment on SSE Airtricity gas tariff announcement

Following the announcement by SSE Airtricity that it is holding its regulated natural gas prices for its domestic and small business consumers in the Greater Belfast area at current levels the Utility Regulator’s chief executive, Jenny Pyper, said:
“I welcome the decision by SSE Airtricity to hold prices as they are.  The no change announcement follows a review of regulated gas tariffs by the Utility Regulator and SSE Airtricity working with DETI and CCNI.  As gas tariffs are regulated in Northern Ireland we can be sure that the prices that consumers pay reflects the cost of production.  Following the tariff review, regulated gas prices for domestic and small business consumers in the Greater Belfast area compare favourably with those in Great Britain.
We will continue to monitor prices and exercise our role on behalf of consumers, ensuring that the prices paid by gas customers in Northern Ireland are as low as possible.”