Utility Regulator begins formal review of regulated gas tariffs

The Utility Regulator has commenced a formal review of regulated gas tariffs for domestic and small business consumers. These tariffs are for the gas customers of SSE Airtricity Gas Supply in both their Greater Belfast area as well as for potential customers in the new ‘West’ area, and for Firmus Energy’s gas customers in the ‘Ten Towns’ area.

It is expected that the reviews will conclude in late February to allow any changes to gas bills to take effect from 1 April 2017. 

As regards regulated electricity prices, the Utility Regulator can confirm that there will be no change to Power NI’s regulated domestic tariffs at this time.  However, as always, this is continually monitored and we will keep the requirement for any change to regulated electricity prices under review.

The regulatory framework for energy in Northern Ireland ensures that any movements in costs are reflected in consumer electricity and gas bills. The Utility Regulator monitors the components that make up these regulated electricity and gas tariffs and then approve any resulting tariff changes when necessary.