Utility Regulator & DETI publish licence application criteria paper

The Utility Regulator and The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) have today published a licence criteria paper for Gas Licence Applications and Applications for Consent to Construct Major Pipelines or Gas Storage Facilities as required by Article 4(2) of Directive 2003/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

If paper copies are required, please contact:-

Susan Stewart Energy Markets
Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment
Massey Avenue
Belfast, BT4 2JP
Tel: 028 9052 9279 (ext: 29279)
email: susan.stewart@detini.gov.uk

If you have any comments in relation to this paper, please notify Susan Stewart at the above address by 8 December 2008.

Copies of the paper will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.