Workshop on the draft determination for the gas distribution network price control - GD17

The Utility Regulator is inviting interested stakeholders to a workshop to discuss the key issues on the draft determination consultation for Northern Ireland’s gas distribution network operators (referred to as GD17).  GD17 is the regulatory price control that will set allowances and prices for Phoenix Natural Gas Limited, firmus energy (Distribution) Ltd and Scotia Gas Networks Ltd for the period 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2022. The consultation proposal considers the requests made by each individual network operator, by way of a business plan submission, and the Utility Regulator makes a decision via a draft determination of what is considered to be efficient allowances necessary to run the network operator’s business.

The draft determination is scheduled to be published later this month.

As our GD17 proposals are focused on protecting consumers, we are keen to engage with stakeholders during the consultation process.  This workshop will be an opportunity for us to inform stakeholders of our proposals in relation to GD17 and the impact it will have on consumers.

The workshop will involve a presentation and discussion. 

We have decided to hold one workshop to cover how the price control affects domestic, business and industrial consumers. This event will be of interest to industry representatives and stakeholders from consumer, community, voluntary, business and statutory organisations.

The workshop will take place on Tuesday 10 May at our office.
Registration and tea and coffee: 9.30am
Workshop: 10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: Boardroom, 4th Floor, Queens House, 14 Queens Street, Belfast, BT1 6ED.

If you are interested in attending, please register with Karen McConnell by Tuesday 26 April 2016. Please note places are limited and are available on a first come first served basis.
Tel: 028 9031 6342