Implementation of the EU Third Internal Energy Package - Consumer Protection & Gas Distribution


Consultation opened on . Closing date at 18:00.


The Utility Regulator today publishes notification of the proposed final decisions and accompanying licence modifications for consultation on its implementation of the EU Third Internal Energy Package in relation to customer protection and gas distribution issues.

The Utility Regulator today publishes notification of the proposed final decisions and accompanying licence modifications for consultation on its implementation of the EU Third Internal Energy Package in relation to customer protection and gas distribution issues.

In July 2011, the UR published a consultation paper on its proposed implementation of the package and received 13 responses:

Bord Gais
Disability Action
Electric Ireland
firmus energy
Mutual Energy
National Energy Action
Phoenix Natural Gas
Phoenix Natural Gas Supply
Power NI

In addition to considering the written responses, the UR also met with interested stakeholders to discuss the consumer protection elements of the Third Energy Package at workshops in September 2011 and January 2012.  Having considered all responses and representations made to the consultation, the UR now publishes its notification of the proposed final decisions.