Briefing on the regulated electricity tariffs

The Utility Regulator will host a ‘Briefing on the regulated electricity tariffs’ for business customers on 27th June 2011 at the Utility Regulator Offices.

A presentation will be given on the expected elements of the regulated electricity tariffs.

Tea/coffee and registration: 2.00pm
Briefing: 2.30pm - 4.00pm

The Conference Room
Utility Regulator
Queens House
Queen Street
Belfast BT1 6ED

Invitiations to this event have been sent to a wide range of stakeholders, however if you are intrested in attending this briefing please RSVP by Wednesday 22 June to:

Barbara Stevenson
T: 028 9031 6343

Please note, numbers are strictly limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

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