Draft Forward Work Programme 2016-2017 published
During the consultation, we would particularly welcome views on:
(1) whether we have identified the right projects;
(2) any objections to our proposed projects; and
(3) any other comments.
Comments should be sent to us by 23 February 2016 at the latest to briege.tyrie@uregni.gov.uk.
We intend to hold a meeting during the consultation period, on 21 January 2016 at 2 p.m., at our offices. This will provide an opportunity to discuss the draft FWP. Please let us know before 14 January 2016 if you wish to attend.
A paper copy of the draft FWP can be obtained from:
Briege Tyrie
The Utility Regulator
Queens House
14 Queen Street
After reviewing consultation responses, we will publish a final FWP by 31 March 2016. Responses to this consultation may be made public by us. If you do not wish your response or name made public please state this clearly by marking the response as confidential and outline your reasons as to why your response should be treated as confidential.
Copies of the document will be made available in alternative formats on request.