OFREG Consults on Forward Work Programme for 07/08


Consultation opened on . Closing date at 17:00.


The Office for the Regulation of Electricity and Gas today publishes its draft Forward workplam in respect of the financial year 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008

The document sets out for consultation:
* Ofreg’s draft forward work plan for 2007-2008;
* Ofreg’s corporate strategy for the coming year, and a proposed approach to developing a 3-year strategy;
* Key drivers of such work plans and strategy, notably our statutory duties, key risks and contextual information; and
* Ofreg’s proposed approach to demonstrating value for money and effective management of our work.

The Draft Forward Work Plan can be accessed directly on this website or alternatively a paper copy can be obtained from Kevin Shiels by contacting him either in writing at Ofreg, Queens House, 14 Queen Street, Belfast, BT1 6ER, or by telephone on 028 9031 6637 or by Fax. on 028 9031 1740 or email kevin.shiels@ofregni.gov.uk

Copies of the paper will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required

In January (dates to be announced) Ofreg intends to hold two open meetings where stakeholders can comment on and discuss the themes of this paper: one for the companies we regulate; and a second meeting for consumer groups and special interest groups (e.g., fuel poverty, green groups).