NIAER Publishes a Consultation Paper - Interconnector Allocation Arrangements 2004/05


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NIAER publishes a consultation paper “Interconnector Allocation Arrangements 2004/05”

NIAER publishes a consultation paper “Interconnector Allocation Arrangements 2004/05”

As part of the ongoing consultative process regarding the partially liberalised wholesale electricity market in NI, Ofreg is seeking further feedback from interested parties regarding the forthcoming allocation of Moyle interconnector and North/South interconnector capacity for the year 2004/05.

The paper seeks responses regarding, amongst other areas, the duration and nature of capacity allocations, and seeks early comment from the industry to enable a timely allocation of capacity to take place.

For further information or to arrange an interview with Douglas McIldoon, please contact Nick Carson on 028 9127 5965 or 07711 482807