Utility Regulator’s decision on proposed acquisition of Phoenix Transmission by N.I Energy Holdings

The Utility Regulator today publishes its decision on the proposed acquisition of Phoenix Transmission by Northern Ireland Energy Holdings. This paper sets out the responses received to the June consultation paper and sets out the Utility Regulator’s decisions on the issues raised.

The paper also includes the public notice for the grant of a new licence to Phoenix Natural Gas Limited as well as the proposed licence. Any representations or objections with respect to the proposed licence contained in Annex 3 of the decision paper may be made on or before Friday 2nd November 2007, preferably by electronic mail to ian.davidson@niaur.gov.uk or in hard copy form to the following address:

Ian Davidson
Queens House
14 Queen Street

Copies of the paper will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette easy read or on computer disk and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.

Notes for Editors

The Utility Regulator is the informal name for the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation (NIAUR) the regulator of the Electrcity, Gas and Water and Sewerage industries in Northern Ireland. NIAUR’s powers are derived from the Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992, the Gas (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 as amended by the Energy (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 and the Water and Sewerage Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2006.

For further information contact:-

Conall McDevitt, Weber Shandwick Tel: 028 90764911, 07770 886933