Market for electricity connections by an alternative provider now open

The Utility Regulator welcomes the opening up of the market to provide generation and demand connections of 5MW’s and above and publishes an update note on the delivery of contestability for other connections in Northern Ireland. Contestability allows customers the choice of an alternative provider for some connections work known as ‘contestable work’. The market for distribution contestable connections of 5MW and above has opened as of the 31st May 2016.

NIE Networks has also created an information section within their website on the new development -  and have also developed a new Independent Connection Provider (ICP) portal which will require registration to access -

We are also working with SONI to open the market for transmission contestable connections of 5MW and above and will continue to engage with the both system operators to introduce contestability for all types of electricity connections within Northern Ireland.

Update note on contestability in connections (PDF 433 KB) 

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