Utility Regulator chief executive to take up major role at UK-wide regulator

The Utility Regulator has announced that its Chief Executive, Iain Osborne, will be leaving at the end of the year to take up a board-level role with overall responsibility for UK-wide regulatory policy at the Civil Aviation Authority. 

Recruitment of a new Utility Regulator Chief Executive will begin immediately, with an advertisement to be placed in the press within the next ten days.

The Utility Regulator’s Chairman, Professor Peter Matthews, commented:

“We offer Iain our warmest congratulations on this great opportunity.  He has made a tremendous contribution to the Northern Ireland utilities sector.  We can understand his desire to move up to a UK-wide role in a sector which is also of major economic importance.” 

“Part of Iain’s achievement here has been to build the Utility Regulator into a well-organised and expert organisation, which offers effective support to our highly experienced board.  This means we are well-placed to keep up our strong track-record of delivering for customers through any transition period and under a new Chief Executive.”


For further information, contact Greg Irwin on 028 9031 6348 or 07794965911.

Notes to Editors

• The Utility Regulator (Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation) is the independent non-Ministerial Government Department responsible for regulating the electricity and gas industries and water and sewerage services in Northern Ireland.
• Iain Osborne has been the Utility Regulator’s Chief Executive since June 2006.