PPB price control decision - Article 14 Notice - consultation on licence modification changes

The attached notice of proposed licence modification, reflects the outcome of a price control consultation relating to Power NI’s Power Procurement Business (PPB).

The notice of licence modification also includes the PPB price control decision paper.

The key price control decisions are:

* The current structure and form of the PPB price control shall remain unchanged.
* The duration of the price control will be three years.
* The allowed incentive amount is to be reduced by 10%
* The decisions on allowed depreciation (DEPt), allowed Rate of Return (RTNt) and allowed Incentive Amount (ICt) are summarised below.

The price control will be in effect until March 2015.

The consultation on the licence modifications will close at 5 p.m. on 25 May 2012.

PPB_price_control_decision_-_Article_14_notice_-_Licence_Changes (PDF 315 KB)