Utility Regulator welcomes NI Water’s Winter awareness campaign

The Utility Regulator welcomes the launch of NI Water’s 2012-13 public information campaign, which provides advice to consumers on steps they can take to avoid burst pipes over the winter period.

This builds upon the ‘don’t wait insulate’ campaign which NI Water developed and launched last year in response to the December 2010-January 2011 freeze/thaw event. Utility Regulator Director of Water Jo Aston said,

“The freeze/thaw incident of 2010-11 was a distressing time for many consumers and we have subsequently been working with NI Water to ensure the lessons learned have been acted upon, and recommendations in the Utility Regulator’s Recovery Action plan implemented.

“Our investigation of the 2010-11 freeze/thaw incident established that some 80% of the additional demand arose from increased water usage/leakage by businesses and households.  It is therefore important that consumers continue to take measures to prevent frozen pipes and leakage in their own premises.

“NI Water’s public information campaign is helpful in ensuring consumers are given the necessary information to help take proactive steps to protecting their pipes over the winter months.”

For further information on the NI Water public information campaign, please click here.