Latest quarterly transparency report on NI’s retail energy market published

The Utility Regulator today publishes its latest quarterly transparency report (QTR) for Quarter 4 (October to December 2015).

We publish transparency reports on a quarterly basis.  The reports provide a range of information about the retail energy markets in Northern Ireland. The data included in these reports comes mainly from the network companies and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). Some tables/charts also contain specific inputs from the suppliers.

We use this information to understand more about the progress and impact of supply competition; build knowledge for regulatory decisions; comply with EU Third Package mandatory requirements on market monitoring; allow other interested stakeholders to understand more readily the activity within our energy markets; and to help promote the interests of consumers.

Any comments or queries in relation to this paper should be made to:

Sean Murphy
Utility Regulator
Queens House
14 Queen Street
Belfast BT1 6ED
Direct Tel: +44 (0) 28 9031 6332

Copies of all documents can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.