GT17 licence modification consultation published

Today the Utility Regulator publishes its consultation and annexes on proposed modifications to the gas conveyance licence held by GNI (UK), Premier Transmission, Belfast Gas Transmission and West Transmission.

The proposed modifications will:

  • Introduce into the four licences the Regulatory Instructions and Guidance condition that has already been introduced into the gas conveyance licenses held by the three gas distribution network owners;
  • Align the review date of all four licence holders which will be every fifth year commencing on 1 October 2017;
  • Introduce a requirement to forecast uncontrollable operating expenditure into the licences held by Premier Transmission Limited, Belfast Gas Transmission Limited and West Transmission Limited;
  • Align the timelines for the submission of cost data to the Utility Regulator across the four licences;
  • Remove the inclusion of revenue from virtual reverse flow and oversubscription and buy back from the calculation of the annual required revenue for Belfast Gas Transmission Limited and West Transmission Limited;
  • Amend the definition of the first operational commencement date in the West Transmission Limited licence;
  • Create a separate condition within the GNI (UK) licence for updated dis-application procedures; and
  • Clarify the circumstances in which GNI (UK) can seek from the Utility Regulator a special operating expenditure forecast review.

Further information on this consultation is available within our consultation section.

Any representations or objections with respect to the proposed modifications may be made on or before noon on 10 May 2017 to:

Graham Craig, Utility Regulator, Queens House, 14 Queens Street, Belfast BT1 6ED

Email: with cc to

Copies of the notice and consultation paper can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.