Information paper on energy supplier marketing code of practice

This information paper sets out clarifications and amendments to be made to the Utility Regulator’s (UR) energy supplier marketing code of practice for domestic customers. These changes are being made as a result of various issues which have arisen regarding clarity on the interpretation of some sections of the code. There are some other minor changes including several new definitions within the glossary. The changes have been tracked for ease of reference and a clean copy is also being made available. This code of practice applies to all electricity and gas suppliers in NI who supply domestic customers.

This paper provides an overview of the changes to the code and is designed to assist suppliers in relation to clarity and understanding of logistical issues in relation to licence compliance.

The changes to the code are mainly for clarification purposes.  For example there is no longer cross referencing between the different sections of the code.  However, there has been an extension in the length of time some information needs to be held for, such as telephone recordings and information to identify a sales agent.  This has been extended from six months to two years.  The current Section 6 ‘Website/Telephone’ has been split into separate sections to deal with inbound telephone marketing and sales and website marketing and sales separately.  Suppliers should already be compliant with the code, but in relation to the extension in time required to hold information, will have three months from the publication of this paper.

The updated version of the Marketing Codes of Practice for domestic customers and a track change version are attached as appendices.