Decisions on the amended all Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) proposals for the price coupling and continuous trading matching algorithms, day ahead products, intraday products and back-up methodology

The UR has today, 2 February 2018, published its decisions on the amended all Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) proposals for the price coupling and continuous trading matching algorithms, day ahead products, intraday products and back-up methodology.

On 13 November 2017, the UR received the following amended proposals prepared by all NEMOs, in accordance with Articles 36(3), 37(5), 40(1) and 53(1) of the guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM):

– price coupling algorithm and continuous trading matching algorithm (“the amended algorithm proposal”)

– products that can be taken into account by NEMOs in single day-ahead process (“the amended day ahead products proposal”)

– products that can be taken into account by NEMOs in intraday coupling process (“the amended intraday products proposal”)

– back-up methodology (“the amended back-up proposal”).

The amended proposals were submitted by SONI, the designated NEMO in Northern Ireland. The attached letters set out the UR’s decisions to approve the day ahead products, intraday products and back-up proposals, pursuant to Article 9(12) of CACM, and request the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (Agency) to adopt a decision on the algorithm proposal.

UR Approval Backup Proposal Adobe PDF (255.79 KB) UR Approval DA Products Proposal Adobe PDF (254.21 KB) UR Approval ID Products Proposal Adobe PDF (254 KB) UR Decision Algorithm Proposal Adobe PDF (172.77 KB) All RA agreement to approve the back-up proposal Adobe PDF (294.77 KB) All RA agreement to approve the day ahead products proposal Adobe PDF (385.51 KB) All RA agreement to approve the intraday products proposal Adobe PDF (385.21 KB) Request for the Agency for the cooperation of energy regulators to adopt a decision on the algorithm proposal Adobe PDF (454.47 KB)


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