Request Amendment to the all TSOs' Proposal to further Specify and Harmonise Imbalance Settlement

The Utility Regulator has published its decision to request amendment to the all TSOs’ proposal to further specify and harmonise imbalance settlement. This was submitted in accordance with Article 52(2) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017, establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (EBGL).

Imbalance settlement is a financial settlement mechanism for imbalances and, although applied through all European systems, current methodologies are not the same.

This proposal to further specify and harmonise imbalance settlement sets out how elements such as imbalance adjustments, imbalance volumes and imbalance prices are calculated and proposes the use of a single imbalance price.

The all Regulatory Authorities’ agreement reached on 14 June 2019, attached as an annex to this decision letter, constitutes the reason for the decision.

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