SONI Governance Arrangements – Formal Information Request issued

The Call for Evidence on SONI governance arrangements closed in October. We have assessed the responses received alongside our work on SONI’s business plan submission for the 2020-2025 price control period. In addition we were advised in January of both an internal restructure of Eirgrid group to take effect from 1st February 2020 and changes to the composition of the SONI board.

As a result of information gaps in the documentation we have received we have now issued a formal information request to SONI. In order to enhance the transparency of this process the information request can be found here. SONI have until 19th February to respond to this request.



On 11 February, SONI requested a two week extension to the information request issued by the Utility Regulator on 29 January in respect of the SONI Governance Call for Evidence.

Having considered the request, SONI was permitted a one week extension with the revised date for provision of this information no later than 5pm on 26 February 2020.

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