Regulated tariffs

Protecting customers is at the heart of the Utility Regulator’s role. Ensuring that customers pay an appropriate price for gas from the regulated suppliers is a core part of our work. We do this in consultation with the Department for the Economy and the Consumer Council.

The regulated gas suppliers in Northern Ireland are SSE Airtricity in Belfast, firmus energy in the ‘Ten Towns’ and SSE Airtricity in the West.  Currently the regulated domestic tariffs in Belfast and the West are the same.

We scrutinise and approve the maximum tariffs that SSE Airtricity and firmus energy can charge customers in their regulated areas, based on their costs for providing the service and a small margin. The Utility Regulator also constrains how much of the regulated suppliers’ costs can be passed through to customers through Price Controls. The other gas suppliers in each area must then compete against the regulated tariff for your business. The most recent tariff review process information can be found below.