UR consults on short-term gas entry capacity tariffs


Consultation opened on . Closing date at 13:00.


The Utility Regulator today publishes a consultation paper that sets out proposals for the calculation of tariffs for short term capacity products at Moffat and Gormanstown on the Northern Ireland Gas transmission network.

In compliance with the Capacity Allocation Mechanism (Commission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013), a range of non annual capacity products will be made available to network users through an auction process, at the two Interconnection Points. The proposals set out the seasonal multipliers that will be applied to the postalised annual entry capacity tariff to set tariffs for quarterly, monthly, daily and within day capacity products.

Following consideration of the responses the Utility Regulator will make a final determination in advance of the annual tariff setting process which concludes in July and sets the tariffs that will applu from 1 October 2015.

Copies of the document will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.