Today we are publishing details of our new compliance monitoring and reporting framework which will deliver an enhanced, proportionate, consistent, and effective licence compliance framework across all licence types and licence holders.
In support of the delivery of our Corporate Strategy, through our Forward Work Programme (FWP) 2024/2025 we signalled that we would be undertaking a project to develop and implement a new and enhanced licence compliance monitoring and reporting framework for all licensees.
This new compliance framework comprises of two core pillars – ongoing/routine monitoring of licence compliance, and an annual assurance process. This will be supported by the introduction of a new external reporting regime which underpins the two core pillars.
This instructions and guidance document provides all licensees with the necessary background information on the compliance framework, the necessary instructions and guidance required for completion and the timelines for submissions.
All licensees are invited to attend an information session on the 21 November 2024 (time / location TBC) where we will provide instructions and guidance on the delivery of the new compliance approach, including the requirements of the annual assurance process. To find out more, please find a contact email address here.