Consultation published on proposed modifications to high pressure gas conveyance licences

The Utility Regulator has published a notice and consultation on proposed modifications to all high pressure gas conveyance licences in Northern Ireland for enduring Stranraer arrangements, Haynestown enduring charging arrangements and other minor amendments. 

The licences are for:

This is a technical consultation, aimed specifically at the gas industry. 

The proposed licence modifications seek to: 

  • Ensure consistency between the PTL gas conveyance licence and the enduring arrangements to facilitate the conveyance of gas to Stranraer, including the introduction of the concept of Non-IP (Interconnection Point) Entry Capacity with associated charging and congestion management arrangements.

  • Enhance the equity of treatment of the Stranraer Shipper compared to that of other Shippers in NI, including with respect to annual year-end reconciliation and the applicability of Entry Overrun Charges.

  • Allow the enduring charging arrangements in relation to Supplemental Income to go further back into the past than the current GNI (UK) licence allows, so that a one off adjustment may be made following agreement of the enduring charging arrangements for Haynestown, an offtake from the South-North Pipeline.

  • Enhance the robustness of the Utility Regulator’s oversight in relation to certain inter-operator and regulatory arrangements.

  • Address known licence drafting issues and enhance the clarity and transparency of licence drafting.

  • Update relevant stakeholder contact details and communication details within high pressure gas licences to adhere to best practice and be more reflective.  These modifications also align with recent updates to gas distribution network licences. 

Further information on the consultation and details on how to respond, can be found within the consultation section.