Draft Consumer Protection Strategy
The Utility Regulator today publishes a consultation on a draft Consumer Protection Strategy 2015-16 - 2019-20 for domestic consumers of regulated gas, electricity and water companies.
The Consumer Protection Strategy will replace the Social Action Plan and has been expanded to cover all domestic energy and water consumers. Our aim is to develop a strategy which will protect all regulated energy and water consumers with a particular focus on vulnerable consumers who tend to benefit least from competitive markets.
This consultation proposes a five year evidence-based strategy, setting out plans and projects, which will address the long term needs of domestic consumers.
In order to encourage and facilitate full stakeholder engagement in this consultation process, we will be holding a workshop during the consultation period. Both industry representatives and stakeholders from consumer, community and voluntary organisations will be invited to attend in order to discuss the proposed Consumer Protection Strategy. A provisional date of 13 May 2015 has been set for this workshop and details will be available in due course.
We would like to hear what our stakeholders have to say and encourage responses from stakeholders in the energy and water industries and consumer, community and voluntary sectors.