Complaints Handling Procedure
This code ensures your electricity and gas supplier offer a free and fair complaints process which you can easily access to make a complaint if you are dissatisfied by any service they have provided.
How do I make a complaint?
- Each electricity and gas supplier has a code of practice on their complaints handling procedure (available on their website or they will provide you with a copy if you ask). This document will give you the information you need to make a complaint to the supplier including contact details, the process for making a complaint and timeline that the supplier will aim to resolve your complaint by.
- You can make a complaint to your supplier in a format that suits you. This can be via a letter, email, phone call or in person.
- If you are of pensionable age, disabled, chronically sick or have specific needs (such as language barrier) you can have someone make a complaint on your behalf.
What can I expect if I make a complaint?
- If you make a complaint with your supplier they must respond to you within five working days. This will either be an acknowledgement of you complaint, a request for more information to help them review your complaint or an answer to your complaint.
- Once your supplier has investigated your complaint they will get back to you with their findings. If they uphold your complaint (in their investigation of your complaint they found they had not delivered an appropriate level of service to you) they will offer one or more of the following remedies:
1. An apology
2. An explanation
3. Appropriate remedial action (to fix the issue)
4. Compensation (in some instances)
- In total it should take no more than three months to process and resolve any complaint.
What if I am not happy with the outcome of my complaint?
- If you are unhappy with how your complaint is being handled by your supplier or your issue is still unresolved after following your supplier’s complaints procedures, you can go to the Consumer Council (CCNI), who will look into the issue on your behalf for free.
For the full Code of Practice on Complaints Handling Procedure click here.