Decision letter published on arrangements concerning more than one NEMO in the SEM bidding zone

On 22 September 2017, the Utility Regulator (UR), in conjunction with the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU), undertook a consultation on a proposal by the TSOs (SONI and EirGrid) regarding Day Ahead and Intraday proposals for arrangements concerning more than one Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) in the SEM Bidding Zone. This proposal was submitted in accordance with Article 45 and Article 57 of Regulation (EC) 2015/1222, establishing a guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM).

Today, 9 January 2018, we publish our decision to request amendment to the proposal in order to clarify and make comparable the key aspects of each model presented, as well as fulfilling CACM requirements by recommending an arrangement for the implementation of I-SEM.

An equivalent letter requesting the same amendments has been published by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU).