EU Third Energy Package – consumer protection and gas distribution modifications final decisions

The Utility Regulator has today published its final decisions and accompanying licence modifications on its implementation of the EU Third Internal Energy Package in relation to customer protection and gas distribution issues.

In April 2012, the Utility Regulator published a second stage consultation paper on its proposed implementation of the package and received eight responses:

Electric Ireland
Phoenix Natural Gas
Phoenix Natural Gas Supply
Power NI

In addition to considering the written responses, the Utility Regulator also considered responses to its July 2011 consultation and met with interested stakeholders to discuss the consumer protection elements of the Third Energy Package at workshops in September 2011 and January 2012.  Having considered all responses and representations made to the consultation, the Utility Regulator now publishes its final decisions. 

The Utility Regulator has received the consent of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to implement the proposed modifications of all existing gas supply and conveyance/transmission licences and all electricity supply and transmission/distribution licences to implement certain requirements of the EU Third Package of legislation (Electricity Directive (2009/72/EC) and Gas Directive (2009/73/EC) - IME3).  This consent was provided in accordance with Regulations 91 and 92 of the Gas and Electricity (Internal Markets) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011. These modifications come into effect on 13 September 2012.  To view the press release nothing the implementation of these modifications please click here.

Copies of the documents will be made available in large print, braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.