Industry update on gas transmission tariffs for storage

The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) and Utility Regulator (UR) have today published a joint industry update on transmission tariffs for storage.

The CER and UR recognise that there are regulatory barriers to cross-border use of all-island gas storage that would not be an issue in a single gas market with a single entry/exit tariff regime. The CER and UR are seeking to reduce or even eliminate these regulatory barriers to achieve a regime which is consistent with a more harmonised European gas market. The arrangements on how to achieve this are currently being progressed by both regulators.

In light of the work that CER and UR have previously carried out in this area and recognising the shared goals with our European partners, both regulators are committed to removing regulatory barriers and putting in place a tariff regime which facilitates the use of storage facilities on a cross border basis.

The note also sets out a high-level timeline for the development of this work.

Any further queries can be addressed to Colm Ó Gormáin ( at the CER or Richard Hume ( at the Utility Regulator.

A paper copy of the industry update can also be obtained from:
Richard Hume
Utility Regulator
Queens House
14 Queen Street
Tel: 028 9031 6328

Copies of the industry update will also be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.