Introducing contestability in electricity network connections – call for evidence

As part of the our forward work programme 2014-15, we are launching a review of contestability of new connections to electricity networks.  This review is in line with our statutory duty to promote competition wherever appropriate in the transmission, generation or supply of electricity.

The first stage in the review is a call for evidence.  A call for evidence document sets out the background and key issues for interested stakeholders. In addition to this document a questionnaire is also provided.  This should be completed when sending a response to the call for evidence.

All call for evidence submissions should be sent to:

Ronan McKeown
Electricity Branch
Utility Regulator
Queens House
14 Queens Street
Belfast BT1 6ED

Evidence should be submitted no later than 5pm on 31st October 2014. Our preference would be for responses to be submitted by e-mail.

A stakeholder workshop will be organised for 29 October 2014 which will allow stakeholders to discuss and present their opinions on contestability. Further information on this event is included in the call for evidence document.