Today we issue a decision following a consultation on the Maximum Resale Price (MRP) as it applies to Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV’s). The consultation responses are available here.
The MRP sets the maximum price that a consumer should expect to pay for electricity provided by an authorised supplier. The MRP applies on a cost pass through basis and was initially introduced to ensure consumers were not locked into paying prices which could be avoided if that consumer purchased directly from a supplier (e.g. in rental accommodation or caravan parks).
Under the current direction the MRP would apply to electricity resold for use in the propulsion of a ULEV. It was however considered that this may be a barrier to the development or maintenance of ULEV public infrastructure (and therefore also the uptake of ULEV’s)
Following our consultation we are amending the current direction to introduce an exemption (also referred to as an exclusion) to the MRP for the resale of electricity where it relates to the propulsion of a ULEV. This change in direction will apply from the 23 March 2020. The amended direction can be viewed here.
Copies of the decision paper can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of minority languages if required.
Please contact Roisin McLaughlin on 07790 590834 or email: roisin.mclaughlin@uregni.gov.uk to request this.