Utility Regulator publishes its second annual Energy Retail Report

The 2010 Energy Retail Report is the second in our series of annual reports which details information and explains the regulated energy sectors in Northern Ireland. We have updated and also increased the data captured in this year’s report. We are extremely grateful to stakeholders, particularly in the regulated companies, who provided information for the report.

The report is structured along the following lines:

Part One:  Background, in which we cover general aspects of the Northern Ireland energy sector.

Part Two:  Core retail information. In this section we present information and data that will provide information to those interested in Northern Ireland retail markets, and also help us to monitor the behaviour of main players and the functioning of the retail sectors as supply competition emerges.

Part Three:  Key future retail work areas, which gives a general overview of some key areas/projects we intend to progress.

We intend to continue improving the content and coverage in future reports, therefore we welcome comments and views from readers and stakeholders in terms of how the report might be improved, and new data sets or sources that would be useful to add in future editions. Whilst this is not a formal consultation, comments on the report are very welcome and should be sent to:

Elena Ardines
Retail Unit
Queens House
14 Queen Street

18 November 2010
We have decided to publish an addition to the report, which includes market shares - on consumption and customer connections - detailed by Use of System (UoS) categories.