The Utility Regulator has published a guidance paper and pro forma regarding the submission of a statement of charges from exempt distribution network operators. An exempt distribution network operator is a person who distributes electricity and benefits from an exemption as defined under the Electricity (Class Exemptions from the Requirement for a Licence) Order (Northern Ireland) 2013.
Within the guidance, we have provided details on the charging principles we will apply and the methodology and process we will use in assessing these submissions. The guidance paper also covers the process for dealing with disputes in relation to connections to an exempt distribution network operator.
Further information for applicants:
It is for the applicant, seeking legal advice as required, to ascertain whether their proposed business activity falls within the scope of the exemption order. Please note that the Utility Regulator cannot confirm whether you fall within an exemption or give advice on the interpretation of the exemption orders. Please refer to the DETI guidance entitled ‘The imposition of obligations on licence exempt distributors and suppliers’ for further information.
* Guidance on third party access charges for licence exempt electricity distribution networks
* Proforma for use of system charging methodology for an exempt electricity distribution network