Investing in the Future Seminar Series Begins

‘Delaying the implementation of the Green New Deal will cost Northern Ireland more in the long run’, says McAleavey

Seamus McAleavey, Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, today said:

“The Green New Deal is a transformational programme that can address the challenges associated with the economic downturn and climate change”.

He was speaking in Belfast at the first in the Utility Regulator’s ‘Investing in the Future’ seminar series. .

If major investment can be secured, Mr McAleavey said:

“The Green New Deal has the potential to create thousands of local jobs, while also reducing fuel bills, our dependency on fossil fuels, fuel poverty and carbon emissions.”

He warned that there were risks to delaying the implementation of the Green New Deal in Northern Ireland:

“Being left behind exposes us to fuel price hikes and missed opportunities for our sustainable industries.  The labour is available now. Any delay will cost Northern Ireland more in the long run.”


Notes to Editors

1. The Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation (the Utility Regulator) is the non-Ministerial Government Department responsible for regulating the electricity and gas industries and water and sewerage services in Northern Ireland.
2. The Green New Deal for Northern Ireland group is a cross sectoral initiative aiming to tackle the ‘triple crunch’ (recession, rising prices and climate change) and encourage government support to fulfill its potential. The group’s vision includes refurbishing thousands of existing homes with full installation and renewable energy; decreasing Northern Ireland’s dependence on fossil fuels by increasing renewable sources; and developing a package of financial innovations and incentives. 
3. The Green New Deal group is led by CBI, ICTU, NICVA, UFU and Friends of the Earth, with a number of additional members and advisors including Energy Saving Trust, Utility Regulator, Translink, Invest NI, The Carbon Trust, Queen’s University and University of Ulster.
4.        Seamus McAleavey’s presentation is attached
4. Media contact Adele Boyle on 07866 734657 or 028 9031 6343.